When it comes to experience, we’re in a class by ourselves.
When you call for service you talk to the seasoned experts in charge, dedicated Schmidt Sales Engineers with well over 100 years total experience.
We have expert skill and understanding in the engineering, design and manufacturing of custom tools.
We also know the machine you put the tools on: shaper, moulder, double-end tenoner, jointer, planer and router.
We know woodworking tools inside out – and that sets our service apart.
Total service: Schmidt will recommend the proper tool type, tip, cutting angle, etc., for the proper machine to do your job efficiently and economically.
For fast turnaround, send your order or picture of the shape you need via fax machine.
We do considerable custom work (30% to 40%), so we excel at understanding and servicing your unique woodworking problem.
We can manufacture tools for most woodworking machines to meet unusual requirements.
Schmidt offers the most versatile design and manufacture of wing cutters, shaper knives and corrugated back knives in the business.
We offer S-Alloy, carbide-tipped and solid steel tools to work on any type of wood.
Schmidt stands at the leading edge of innovation and high performance.
We were first to adapt S-alloy for woodworking tools back in the early 1960’s. Other companies have followed our lead.We make our tools to precision tolerances to insure extreme accuracy.
We use the latest technology in CNC equipment for greater precision than ever before.
We check our tools with high powered optical comparators where requirements demand it to identify and correct small imperfections.